Sick leave in labor law

Eligibility for sick leave – paid and unpaid The worker may obtain sick leave for a period of 90 consecutive or intermittent days for each year of his service after the period of trial work. The leave is calculated as follows: Calculating the full wage for the first (15) days Half the wage for the […]

Vacations in the Saudi labor system

In the context of what we are witnessing of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s keenness to issue, update and develop legislation in all fields, whether economic or social, the Saudi regulator did not forget to regulate the conditions of the labor sector in the private sector in the Kingdom, and the Saudi regulator was keen […]

Number of working hours in the new labor law

The number of working hours according to the Saudi Labor Law and the rest period Every person who works for a company is a guest and should be treated with respect. The relationship between company and employee is created through labor regulations and rules that maintain each party’s responsibilities. All employees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are citizens and […]

The trial period is according to the Saudi labor system

The system established the trial period with the aim of the company knowing the extent of the worker’s suitability and competence for the job, the extent of the worker’s desire to continue working, and the suitability of the work for him. Many companies subject new workers to a trial period, and the employer must explicitly […]

The probation period in the Saudi labor system: its duration and conditions

Is the trial period in the interest of the employer or in the interest of the employee? A dispute with an unresolved outcome, but the law was keen to establish a framework that guarantees the rights of both parties (the employee and the establishment), so that this temporary period provides decision-makers with sufficient information to make […]