Have you focused on growing your business across the Middle East? In the event that the response is true, laying out a Regional Headquarters in Saudi Arabia may be the essential move you’ve been hanging tight for!

The Realm of Saudi Arabia is going through a time of quick change and monetary broadening. They are effectively pursuing worldwide organizations to set up their territorial centers inside their nations. Notwithstanding, the RHQ Permit fills in as the key that opens a mother lode of advantages.

It empowers companies to efficiently manage their operations. While strategically navigating the vast opportunities the MENA region presents.

In this article, we explore reasons why an RHQ License Saudi can be a game-changer for your business. Propelling it towards regional and potentially global success.

Let’s move to discover that in detail and arm yourself with the necessary details

What is RHQ License Saudi?

RHQ License in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, the Regional Headquarters License allows multinational corporations to establish a central office. The purpose of this office is to manage its operations across the Middle East and North Africa region.

On the other hand, the license offers a distinct legal entity within the Kingdom. It empowers companies to control, supervise, and provide direction to their branches throughout the region.

Saudi Arabia’s Economic Growth

Without a doubt, the economic growth of Saudi Arabia is undergoing a transformation. This is driven by Vision 2030.

It is due to the government’s ambitious diversification plan, that the trend is shifting away from oil dependence.

Resulting in a surge in non-oil GDP growth. Those include sectors like tourism, technology, and manufacturing gaining traction.

The economic outlook of the Kingdom is on an upward trajectory. This presents exciting opportunities for foreign investors.

For all these reasons, it gives a solid foundation for the MNCs to start setting up their offices in Saudi Arabia and enjoy their business expansion.

Benefits of setting up an RHQ in Saudi Arabia

There are numerous benefits of having a RHQ license in Saudi Arabia. This includes:

Strategic Hub for the MENA Region:

The RHQ License Saudi positions your company as a central hub. It facilitates efficient management and oversight of your operations across the Middle East and North Africa. This strategic location grants easier access to a vast and growing market.

Taxation Advantages:

A substantial perk of the RHQ License Saudi is the exemption from corporate and withholding income tax for a significant period. This translates to significant cost savings and boosts your company’s profitability.

Simplified Business Setup:

The RHQ application process is streamlined, expediting the establishment of your regional headquarters. Additionally, you’ll benefit from various government incentives, including support with visas and office space.

Talent Acquisition and Workforce:

Saudi Arabia boasts a young and growing talent pool. The RHQ License Saudi allows you to attract and retain skilled professionals, facilitating the creation of a strong regional team.

Gateway to a Diversifying Economy:

Saudi Arabia’s economy is quickly expanding past oil. By laying out your RHQ here, you gain prime situating to take advantage of prospering areas like innovation, the travel industry, and sustainable power.

Requirements for RHQ license in KSA

In this section, we share requirements for RHQ license for investors.

Commercial registration by the Saudi consulate

Commercial registration is a requirement for operating a business in Saudi Arabia. You don’t need to register a separate commercial entity for the RHQ License Saudi. Within the Kingdom, the RHQ itself acts as a distinct legal entity.


Consolidated financial statements

As an investor, provide attested annual audited consolidated financial statements from your applicant company. This should be verified by the Saudi Embassy in the relevant country. It is an essential part, it showcases the financial health and stability of your company


Annual audited Report Submission

It is crucial to maintain transparency. This requires submitting annual audited reports to the relevant Saudi Arabian authorities. Ensuring your financial activities are compliant with regulations.


Rules and Restrictions

With the RHQ license, you can have some Permitted Activities. This license allows for specific activities. It includes strategic management, supervision, and coordination of regional operations. Direct commercial activities that generate revenue are not permitted.

Additionally, the RHQ license assists in branch and Affiliate Management. It acts as a central hub for managing your branches and affiliates across the MENA region. On the other hand, each branch or affiliate might require separate licenses and permits. This helps in conducting specific business activities within their respective countries.


Saudi RHQ License Fee

The Saudi RHQ License Fee consists of two components. This entails an annual license fee and a one-time service fee. Typically, the annual license fee is a nominal amount. For instance, it is set at SAR 2,000 which is approximately around $533 USD.

On the other hand, a one-time service fee of SAR 10,000 which is around $2,667 USD. It is applicable during the first year of obtaining the RHQ license.


Regional Headquarter Set-up Process in KSA

You can begin by researching the Saudi Regional Headquarters Program and its requirements. Make sure that your company meets the eligibility criteria. This involves having a presence in at least two countries outside of your headquarters and Saudi Arabia.

  • Now, gather the necessary documents. This includes including attested copies of the company’s certificate, financial statements, and your business plans.
  • Submit your application to the (MISA) Ministry of Investment in Saudi Arabia. It can be completed online or through authorized service providers.
  • The Ministry of Investment will review your application and conduct due diligence. This stage might involve interviews or requests for additional information.
  • Upon successful application review and approval, you’ll receive your official RHQ License from MISA.
  • Maintain compliance by fulfilling annual reporting obligations. Submit audited financial statements and adhere to the regulations.



Establishing a RHQ in Saudi Arabia with its RHQ License Saudi presents a compelling opportunity for multinational corporations. Those seeking to expand their reach across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The Kingdom is undergoing a dynamic economic transformation. Offering a strategic location, a burgeoning market is poised for significant future growth and a growing talent pool

The RHQ License unlocks a treasure trove of benefits. This includes tax exemptions, streamlined business setup, access to a skilled workforce, and positioning within a diversifying economy. The application process requires careful preparation and is efficient. It is supported by government incentives. The focus is to attract foreign investment. The kingdom presents a welcoming environment for your regional hub.

If you have a vision for regional dominance, acquiring an RHQ License in Saudi Arabia can be game-changing. It propels your business to new heights. By having this, you can embrace the strategic advantages while leverage the economic opportunities. Also, this aids in unlocking the full potential of your company’s reach across the MENA region.