Saudi Arabia is one of the best locations to start a business in this century. As the country continues to open its borders to the world, incentivizing entrepreneurship and relaxing regulations, its cities are attracting more and more foreign investment. Each year, many entrepreneurs from around the world head to this country to start new businesses in the likes of Makkah, Jeddah, Madinah, Riyadh, and Dhahran. Here, you will know about the most most profitable business in Saudi Arabia.

In this article, we will talk about the most profitable business in Saudi Arabia, so you can get inspiration and take advantage of the favorable economic circumstances that this country possesses. Here is a list of the contents involved:

  1. What are the most profitable businesses in Saudi Arabia?
  2. How can Company formation Saudi can help you start a small business in Saudi Arabia?

1. What are the most profitable businesses in Saudi Arabia?

most profitable business in saudi arabia

Like others nations in the Middle East, the Saudi economy has been historically fueled by gas and oil. Today, however, the government is working to diversify the economy by supporting the growth of other industries and providing investor visas. In recent years, the government spent billions of dollars to boost industries as diverse as technology, tourism, manufacturing, cosmetics, financial services, and pharmaceuticals.

But, no matter the industry, if you are looking for startup opportunities in Saudi Arabia, as long as you have something to offer the local economy, you can expect to find a welcoming and demanding audience in this nation. Here are some of the most most profitable business in Saudi Arabia:

1.1 Language services

While English is largely spoken in Saudi Arabia, Arabic is the official language of the nation. Not only does this mean that many of the locals might wish to learn English and the residents the local language, but they will also need a professional translation for all official documents. This includes resident visa forms, tenancy agreements, qualifications, and more.

With residents from countries around the world, including Syria, India, Congo, Bangladesh, Turkey, and more, your language skills are sure to be in demand whatever your first language is.

1.2 Travel and tourism

Saudi Arabia’s travel and tourism industry is set for explosive growth in the years ahead. Before the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, visitor numbers increased exponentially year on year, reaching the impressive number of 20 million in 2019.

There are plenty of amazing opportunities in this space. For example, you could open a travel agency, organizing visas, flights, accommodation, and more for visitors to the nation.

1.3 Solar energy

With an abundance of sun and flat land, Saudi Arabia is the ideal location for producing solar energy. This, coupled with a commitment of the nation to produce 50% of its energy by 2030, make the solar energy sector such a business opportunity in Saudi Arabia.

In order to support businesses that contribute to this ambitious environmental target, the government recently unveiled the Middle East Green Initiative fund worth USD 10 billion.

1.3 Maid recruitment service

Thanks to the nature of foreign residential compounds and their busy and wealthy residents, maid services are in high demand in the country.

As a result, any service helping to match maids to those who require them would be in high demand too. With that said, there is a little more to the process. Recruiters have to research potential hires to ensure successful employment. In addition, some recruiters may also advise on employment contracts and visas.

1.4 Cargo and courier services

Saudi Arabia’s location in the Middle East makes the country the perfect location for global trade, due to the fact that it has direct access to the vast markets of Asia, Africa, and Europe.

This presents a unique opportunity for enterprises with the ability to transport goods both within the country and beyond. You could start a local courier business delivering goods to end customers or depending on your capital, even a larger logistics firm, organizing shipments by sea and air.

2. How can Company formation Saudi can help you start a small business in Saudi Arabia?

Are you planning on starting a business in Saudi Arabia, but need some assessment? Well, Company formation Saudi can assist you through the entire process of starting a company in the nation, ensuring your business becomes a success. 

Company Formation Saudi offers you the following services:


Let us assist you throughout the process of starting the most profitable business in Saudi Arabia, so that everything goes according to plan. Feel free to contact us through the following number +971 43 316 688. You can also contact us at and we will gladly answer each of your doubts.

Moreover, if you find it interesting and want a job, you can contact the talent point. There you will have options to see each of the jobs accessible to you. You can send us your cv to or visit to find the best job for you.

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